Friday, July 31, 2009

Why do people get "weird" when they find out I have hepatitis C? Has anyone else run in to this?

I was recently diagnosed with Hepatitis C. When I told a friend of mine, they kind of freaked out...saying I should keep it secret and not say anything to my employers, friends, etc.

Anyone know why people are ashamed of this disease?

Why do people get "weird" when they find out I have hepatitis C? Has anyone else run in to this?
one word IGNORANCE
Reply:many folks don't understand hcv. fear is always a reason as to why folks want to keep it a secret.

there is nothing shameful about hcv. just be open and honest and let them know all about it. the more this information gets out, the more folks will know. some may even get tested because truth is, not everyone walking around is unaware of the many thousands-possibly millions of ways of getting hcv.

paper cut? sure! if someone got a paper cut before you and you cut yourself with the same paper? hcv infection can result.

kids picking their noses, placing their finger on an object and the next kid scratches his scab off-result? possible hcv infection.

snorting cocaine by your own dollar bill? hcv infection can happen-money is the worst disease spreader-and the blood can be over 4 days old and dried-hcv reconsitutes!

dental, peircings, tattoos......razors, toothbrushes ect when shared can result in cutting and tranferring whoever used it before you that had unknowingly or knowingly hcv.

word out. go for it. share your knowledge. more will test for it.

i even tell those with depression to test for antibodies-truth is, hcv infection can cause depression!

if those you share your health related issues with never call you again or act strange, who cares? they are not worth your time as a friend.

Reply:It has no known cure and it is as infectious as hepatitis B and may lead to liver failure later in life. I think you should keep it to yourself until the newer treatments which are experimental at the moment become more available.

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