Friday, July 31, 2009

How can we find a good attorney in Washington, D.C. to file a writ of mandamus against Sec. of State Rice?

Due to various unique historical, legal, etc. criteria, we have a group of people here who have determined that they should qualify for the issuance of "US national non-citizen passports." (The issuance of such passports, and general qualifying criteria are outlined in Dept. of State Foreign Affairs Manuals, Series 7.)

Here where we live in Asia, however, the local United States embassy/consulate refuses to accept the applications (which is form DS-11). They also refuse to give us any paperwork regarding their "opinion" and their "non-action." We are tired of trying to argue with the consular officials. A law student from the USA suggested that we need is to file a writ of mandamus against the Secretary of State in the appropriate court in Washington, D.C.

Our own background research on this subject is actually quite extensive. But how could we find a suitable attorney? We do not live in the USA.

What would this cost? We definitely want to raise the money.

How can we find a good attorney in Washington, D.C. to file a writ of mandamus against Sec. of State Rice?
Sounds like BS to me, 'mandamus' means 'we command' and frankly part of the reason that immigraiton's such a mess is that people are getting so damn pushy and demanding. I fully believe we should pull the plug on ALL immigration for 5 years, or until the whole mess sorts itself out. And, furthermore, what the hell is a US national non-citizen? Sounds like more lawyerese to me, you're either a citizen, or you aren't. Speaking OF lawyers, I think we have them to thank for the broad confusion on the issue.

When fish get spooked, they swim really really fast, which has the added effect of muddying the waters in a shallow area.

There's a lot of deliberately muddied water on the immigration question, now we've got people apparently trying to sue their way into the United States. This is all getting very very stupid...
Reply:i agree to disagree to agree.

either way, can u give me 10 points? thanks
Reply:Good luck, because you'll need it. I have the feeling that no American attorney will go up against the Bush administration. However, You might check with film maker Michael Moore, who has a web site and/ or the ACLU. It would probably cost you plenty. What other legal options might you have?
Reply:Try the yellow pages
Reply:Give it up. You can't touch her.

savage garden

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