Monday, May 24, 2010

How to find c flat or d flat minor on circle of fifths?

the circle really confuses me when i get to the enharmonic keys i cant seem to find the flat keys minors like c flat or d flat or f flat and i dont even know thier relative major. any help is appreciated , thank you

How to find c flat or d flat minor on circle of fifths?
The picture of the circle of 5ths is pretty exact, and normally it doesn't show Cb or and maybe not Fb, but of course you could keep circling around and have Gbb or B### or anything.

Cb is the same as B major. So Cb minor... oddly enough is the same as B minor.. which is the relative minor to the key of D. Now Cb minor... which you'll probably never see would look crazy. Everything would be flatted, and somethings like E A and B would be double flatted... that's why Cb minor will always be written as B minor.

Db is the same as C#... both are pretty crazy keys with most notes being flat or sharp (depending on what you call it) but it's all still the same black notes being played. Db minor is the relative of E major... or Fb. Since no body writes in Fb (because it's confusing and unnessasary), it will almost always be in the key of E.. so they won't call it Db minor.. that one will be called C# minor. Understand? Good.

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