Monday, May 24, 2010

How do I find out where a leak is in A/C in a Honda car?

You need a leak detector. It is a tool with a black light kind of thing that causes the freon to glow and it shows where it is coming from. they aren't cheap you might want to go to a garage.

How do I find out where a leak is in A/C in a Honda car?
Locate the compressor and circulation hoses.At the connections apply a leak detector solution and look for bubbles.The solution may be purchased at an auto store or homemade with a soap solution or shampoo.
Reply:fill it with comressed ( 80 psi )air and put soapy (dish soap)water on the lines.
Reply:They sell a dye that you put in the A/C system and you check for leaks with a ultraviolet light, BUT YOU NEED THE TOOLS TO PUT THE DYE IN they can be bought but not cheaply and you will also need the ultraviolet light to see the leak,some parts stores sell a combination A/C stop leak chemical/refrigerant refill that comes with the required hose to put it in your system if that works then you are all set,if it doesn't then take it to a local repair shop that specializes in A/C work and have then evaluate the system or live with no A/C.
Reply:look, all those ansewers sound great but take it from a guy with 25 yrs honda experience: if the car has no accident damage and the ac was working recently your problem is the high pressure line it is almost always the cause of ac leaks replace it recharge and enjoy!
Reply:your local Wal-Mart sells or should have an r-134 with neon to detect leaks use this also how fast are you losing the coolant if it is to quick you may need to take it to a shop

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