Monday, May 24, 2010

How to find the perpendicular distance from point C(0,-4) to the line with an equation 2y - 5x = 4?


line: 2y - 5x = 4

Please show the steps clearly...I am still confused on how to find perpendicular distances...

thanks for your help!!

How to find the perpendicular distance from point C(0,-4) to the line with an equation 2y - 5x = 4?

Perpendicular is the negative recipricol slope.

+5/2 becomes -2/5

y+4 = -2/5(x)

which crosses at the common point of intersection.

5Y + 20 = -2x

5y + 2x = 20 and 2y - 5x =4 .... solve simultaneously.

times first by 5 and second by 2 then add together

29Y = 108 ..... y = 108/29

First by two and second by -5 ....

29X = 20 .... x = 29/20.

So the other point is (108/29,29/20) and then find the distance to (0,-4). Use pyth formula.
Reply:2y - 5x = 4

y=5/2 x+2

in this equation 5/2 is slope of straigt line

slope of normala on y=5/2 x+2 is



y=-2/5x+k is equation of perpendicular on y=5/2 x+2

if pass by C(0,-4) then


then obtain

y=-2/5 x-4

y=5/2x +4

then x(5/2+2/5)=-8


find y

And now you have intersect from 2y-5x=4 and

y=-2/5 x-4

distance from C(0,-4) and this point is


where x,y are coordonate of intersection
Reply:Given: C(0,-4) and line: 2y - 5x = 4 or 5x - 2y + 4

From analytical geometry:

d = |Ax1 + By1 + C|/√(A^2 + B^2)

where x1 = 0, y1 = -4

A = 2, B = -5, and C = 4

Substitute the values in the above formula for distance between a point and a line:

d = |(2)(0) + (-5)((-4) + 4|/√[(2^2 + (-5)^2]

d = 4.46 ANSWER

Hope I help you.

teddy boy
Reply:us the qudratic formula -b+/-(rootb^2-4ac)/2a then multiply by the diffirentiate the commen difference, Leaving you with the fact that you have no friends and will probably die a virgin.

(sorry that was a bad joke) If you need any tips i would go to - it realy helped me understand perpendicular distances - and its pretty easy to follow.
Reply:first write the equation like this--


now , put x=0 and y= -4 and divide it by sqrt of ( sqaure of 5 + square of 2)

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