Friday, May 21, 2010

Can somebody tell me where on the web can i find some guides to videgame porgraming on C++ Or RGSS?

I can't find anything on Google regarding RGSS (Ruby game scripting system). I'm starting my career in Computer Science and i want a head star in the field im interested in

Can somebody tell me where on the web can i find some guides to videgame porgraming on C++ Or RGSS?
There really aren't a lot of good guides on the internet about game programming, however the ones that do exist are amazing.

check out They always have excellent articles and are full of tutorials from beginner to advanced.

also check out It's more for people who are already in the business, but it helps to see what those people are doing currently.

If you do a search you should be able to find some books which are really good.

Some suggestions from books I've read:

Any detailed C++ book that has chapters devoted to classes, inheritence, pointers, dynamic allocation of memory, STL algorithms, etc.

Windows Programming by Charles Petzold

Introduction to Game Development by Steve Rabin (very detailed for a beginner's perspective)

I'm assuming you probably don't have a very extensive background in C++ so it's going to be necessary to read up and practice with that before you jump into programming games. Once you have a grasp, go through the petzold book to get a feel for windows programming. The most important chapter probably to UNDERSTAND is chapter 3, which deals with registering and creating windows, the message loop, WNDPROC, etc.

You need to know those before you can use Direct X or Open GL otherwise it won't make much sense if you get any tutorials on that.

After you've built your basic windows/c++ programming knowledge, go through a basic book, such as the Rabin one and learn it. It's a lot of work but it's fun.

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