Friday, July 31, 2009

How can i find what "c" is in one of these equations if i know the points on the graph?

the "c" equations (just need to know one "c" for any one of the equations, doens't matter):



y=c square root of absolute x

y= c/x

the points are (-4,-1) (-1, -.25) (0,0) (1, .25) (4,1) ???

How can i find what "c" is in one of these equations if i know the points on the graph?

points (x, y) = (-4 ,-1) so first equation

-1 =c*(-4) = -4c

c = 1/4

2) y = cx^2 implies

-25 = c* (-1)^2 = c*1 = c

so c = 25



ok, i get your point, if all these points are in a graph, then we can find the 'c' which is the slope (gradient of that graph)

i.e y = mx + 'k' , where 'm = c' in this case is usually the slope and 'k' is a constant

so pick any two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)

c = (y2 - y1 )/ (x2 - x1)

so if we pick the first two points,

c = (-25 - (-1) )/ (-1 - (-4))

= (-25 + 1) / (-1 +4)

= -24/3 = -8

so your 'c' = -8 iff these two particular points are in a graph.

eqn of the line is

y - y1 = c (x - x1), for give points (x1, y1)

pick any of the pair of points we have used to get 'c'

say (-4, -1) = (x1, y1)

y = cx + k

to find 'k' take (-4 , -1) = (x , y)

so (-1) = (-8)*(-4) + k

hence 'k' = -33


equation of the graph passing through these two points is

y = - 8*x - 33

Clearly not one of the equations you have there ... so try another paring, let me think of a shorter way to get around the problem, mean while i hope you get the idea ...
Reply:c = (-3,7)

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