Friday, July 31, 2009

Any online support groups with info for work comp injured workers? How to find atty, and sacroilitis, and I.C.

I need to find a good lawyer, and when I'm not on pain meds I search online, but can't really find any legit sites, and I hear all sorts of different info. The attys I did speak with either say they 'don't really do that', though listed under it, or just blow me off.

Can anyone give me some places with info on what to expect, how it works, optionsm, how it ends, and real people talking about their experiences. Any tips are appreciated. I'm so confused.

I have so many questions. How does voc. rehab work? Do you get to choose any career to retrain for, and do they pay you?

Also, if anyone is familiar with chronic sacroiliac dysfunction or sacroilitis, that led to intersticial cystitis, I would love to know of messageboards and people's experiences. I've changed Drs and manual PT's, but it doesn't help much. I've heard sometimes these conditions don't improve. Are they just managed forever?

I'd really like to know what top centers in the U.S. treat SI joint problems.

Any online support groups with info for work comp injured workers? How to find atty, and sacroilitis, and I.C.
sorry idk

lotus flower

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